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Future of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is one of the most demanding industries today. The speed at which this industry is growing, this will remain as the powerful means of marketing in the future. With the advent of new technologies like Mobile Phones, the Internet, Social Media, Email, etc, there is a lot of dependency on these and these are benefitting the people to a great extent.

Let us see why there is so much scope for Digital Marketing and why businesses need to invest in this.

1) Mobile Marketing:- The mobile phone is no more a luxury and it has become the basic need of everyone. Suppose a housewife or a mother wants to learn a new recipe, she can search on Youtube and will get the information at fingertips. When it comes down to the business, they can promote their products and services via Mobile. The reach of people is more, hence they can target as per their needs. Almost 91% of all Social media users access social channels via mobile devices.

2) Social Media Marketing:- There are a lot of Social Media Platforms through which businesses can reach customers and advertise their products. Target Audience can be reached through Organic posts and Paid Promotion. The main advantage of Social Media is that each platform is unique. Instagram(all about pictures, Twitter(Developing Conversation), Linkedin(for Official purpose). Hence Marketers can target as per their needs.

By looking into statistical data, we will come to know why there will be a boom for Digital Marketing.

(a) Active Social Media Users -> 3.5 billion, 45% of the population

(b) Time spent on Social Media -> On average, people will spend 3 hours on Social Media every day.

(c) Marketer’s faith in Social Media – > About 73% of the marketers believe Social Media is effective in their business.

(d)  Impact of Positive Customer Experience -> 71% of consumers who have had a positive experience with a brand on Social Media, they would recommend the brand to their friends and family.

Active Users on different Social Media Platforms:-

(i) Facebook – 2.5 billion per month

(ii)Instagram – 1 billion per month

(iii)Twitter – 400 million per month

(iv)Linkedin-700 million per month

3) Email Marketing:- This is one of the oldest marketing techniques used by marketers. This is different from other Digital Marketing techniques in the sense that the recipient’s permission is needed for sending emails. The advantage is bulk emails can be sent at the same time.

This is a popular technique as 94% of internet users use email, 75% of adult online users say this is their preferred marketing method. The number of email users is projected to grow by 3% each year until 2021. There are 3.8 billion email users worldwide.

To conclude, Digital Marketing will generate a lot of job opportunities in the future. Job seekers can choose their area in which they want to grow as a Digital Marketing professional, it may be SEO, SEM, Social Media, Email, Content Marketing. The amount which can be earned is more. Not only as a regular employee, one can work as a freelancer and earn a sufficient amount of money. The only thing needed is passion and you can be a successful Digital Marketing Professional.

Dt: 14th Oct 2020 

The blog is written by Vedavyasa Huli

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